The Process of Self-Publishing A Children’s Book. Part 2
What are print-on-demand options for self-publishers? If you are just joining this blog, we left off with the journey of self-publishing a book on Kindle for Amazon. It might be a good place to start. If you are back for more about this crazy journey you are in the right place. In the Fall of 2020 during a global pandemic. I had a book on Kindle that was downloaded more than 500 times. The downloads trickled when I stopped giving the book away for free. Several people have still downloaded it for Kindle, but for the most part I stopped putting a lot of effort into it because Kindle is not the greatest place for picture books. Younger children want a book they can hold in their hands. Kids, especially younger children tend to want to have a tangible way to experience a book, one like ours that is filled with illustrations is even more important to be printed in a size that makes the illustrations come to life, but also can be held by little hand...